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Saturday 16 February 2013

How did World War 2 Affect Singapore

- " Main fleet to Singapore" strategy
- Installation of 15-inch guns facing the sea
- Building of military airfields and underground bunkers
- Building of the Naval Base in Sembawang.

- Good Japanese Preparation
- Japanese superioty in battle strategy, armed forces and leadership
- British priory to war in Europe

- The people of Singapore were led to believe that the possibility of a Japanese attack was remote
- Singapore renamed as Syonan-To
- British and other Europeans taken as prisoners-of-war
- Most lived in fear of the Kempetei and its harsh punishment
- Operation Sook Ching attempted to wipe out Chinese opposition
to the Japanese
- Serious shortage of food and poor health conditions reconstruction
- Shortage of food, jobs, water and electricity
- Overcrowding and unhygienic housing conditions


1 comment:

  1. Ee Jin, try to make the highlight black and font white. ^-^ It will look better.
